E-Proxy 2000 is an electronic mail software tool that aids the desktop e-mail user in fighting spam by proxying. E-Proxy 2000 empowers your mail client, offering a twist on other 'spam fighting tools' by functioning as a true 'proxy', intercepting all messages and thereby providing intervention techniques to allow e-mail users to handle spam directly from within their mail clients in several ways:
First, by allowing users to create their own spam filters (instead of having them dictated). Second, by allowing users to create rules or mail filters to act on the 'tagged' spam to perform whatever action desired on the spam, whether foldering, deleting, etc (again instead of having it dictated). Third, by running in the background, as a true proxy, out of sight and mind, minimized to the system tray, constantly filtering. Fourth, by providing attacking power to fight back spammers with manual AND automatic bounce-backs, or message undeliverables. And finally, by gathering and reporting information about IP addresses and instructions on where and how to turn in spammers; and more. E-Proxy also allows users to capture and block and trigger e-mail alerts based on e-mail content.