Business » Online Auctions » DeepAnalysis

DeepAnalysis 1.5

DeepAnalysis gives you a wealth of information about any eBay market sector. Choose any eBay category, keyword search, or seller, and let DeepAnalysis show you (1) All the items with bids, (2) All the sellers who listed the items, with detailed statistics on the items they listed, and (3) Comprehensive statistics about all the items and sellers of the items, including total sales figures and sell-through rates for various types of auctions. Find out what items are most popular, which sold for the most, average pricing data, bidding paterns, reserve auctions analysis, Dutch auction analysis. Find out which sellers are really selling and how much they're making, see their sell-through rates, and find out their average sale price. Discover how much is sold in your favorite category, find category sell-through rates, average category sales data . . . and much more.

DeepAnalysis can scan current auctions and completed auctions going back as far as 30 days. It can export reports to spreadsheet or database for archiving, and will auto-update from the Internet when a new version is available. Why use DeepAnalysis? See which sellers are really doing well, and analyze their techniques and product line. Find out how much items are selling for before you list them. Strategize which categories would be best for your items by viewing bid data, sell-through rates, and average sales. Boost your sales by knowing which items receive the most bids and which sell for the most. Follow your particular marketplace over time by downloading and exporting sales data about all auctions in your chosen category. DeepAnalysis data can give you the edge on eBay. It also works on eBay Motors auctions!



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Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP




30-day trial



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See Also

Auction Sentry Deluxe 1.0.3

Track all your auctions, control bids, and automate transactions on eBay.

My Auction Search for eBay 2.0

Create, save, and group your most common eBay, Yahoo, and Amazon searches.

AuctionSieve 1.4.2

Search, sort, filter auction lots on eBay.


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