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CompuServe 7.0

Connect to the Internet quickly and easily with this content-intensive ISP. CompuServe has a customizable main menu with local news, personalized stock portfolios with real-time quotes, e-mail, Internet searching, instant messaging, a wide variety of online shopping options, and Member Values, a regularly updated list of savings and values exclusively for members. CompuServe also offers users a built-in media player that launches seamlessly so that members can enjoy the full range of audio and video content available on the Web, and CompuServe Radio, powered by, which offers several channels of popular music. The My Places section has also been expanded with more options available to personalize the CompuServe Main Menu, and the CompuServe Toolbar highlights the most commonly used features, making the Main Menu more personal and relevant, and providing easier access to the CompuServe Search tool. Additionally, the CompuServe Shopping Assistant, which appears automatically when members visit merchant partners' Web sites, provides valuable information--including customer satisfaction reviews--to help members make informed decisions.

The latest version of CompuServe includes enhanced e-mail, enabling users to send and receive mail from non-CompuServe e-mail services. CompuServe also includes Netscape as its default browser.

The Download Now link will deliver a 249k installer file to your computer. To install CompuServe, remain connected to the Internet and double-click the installer file to download the entire 40MB software package.


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Free to try




Windows 95/98/2000/Me





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Receive immediate notification when your Web site is down.

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Connect to the Internet, search for the latest news and music, and track your stock portfolio.



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