ComServer is useful for power users who do data-mining, developers who make database applications, and companies who want to have adaptable standard and specialized applications from components. You can use ComServer Express Edition to migrate data, integrate your standard operating procedures, edit & print data, for datamining, edit and print reports for various data views, export data, and create a software portal. ComServer Express components: SQL Grid (with wizard to create grid); SQL Master-Detail grid (with link wizard); Business Intelligence (Golden Grid): filter data on demand and freeze it over several columns, evaluate data through setting formula, display results in a crosstab, print (with charts) / export results (based on a SQL-Grid)-restricted; Form (Adaptable Screen for one data-set - based on a SQL-Grid)-restricted; Crystal Reports SQL statement to edit data; SQL scripts (statements) for data import, export, and migration; Copy data (select & insert).