Chian VB-SQL Script Editor is a universal SQL scriptor developer aid program to prototype new or maintain Microsoft Window's Jet databases. An efficient singular SQL language syntax with full editing facilities with data recordset and graphical preview panes. Many additional advanced features with comprehensive help and SQL manuals.
The product features: Familiar Microsoft Window's program style interface with menu and toolbar commands. Context-sensitive, tool-tip and what's-this help. Pop-up menus for faster menu commands. Accessibility program command entry mode (for physical limb disability users). Script editing pane with full editing, search, replacement, file open and save facilities. Make Microsoft Jet Access, dBase, FoxPro, Paradox, ODBC (including SQL server) and comma-delimited text databases. Design and make Microsoft Jet databases with table, field-index, field and content creation using both VB and DDL SQL. Connect, access and analyse existing Microsoft Jet databases with table and field selection using VB and DML SQL or with predefined MDAC DSN ODBC. And much more.