Alnini.comInternet » Utilities » Cell Mate

Cell Mate 1.0

From the developer: "Cell Mate is an email scheduling application specifically designed for mobile phone messaging. It allows short messages to be sent to any email enabled cellular phone. Cell Mate includes a calendar to pick which day you would like to schedule a message. A ?spreadsheet-like? area is provided for you to enter your messages in fifteen minute increments. In the event your message has to be sent now, Cell Mate also provides Instant Message capability. Cell Mate allows up to ten unique users. Cell Mate was designed to be an extremely fast and easy to use Windows application for ?people on the go?. Creating a scheduled message with Cell Mate is as easy as clicking on the day, clicking on the time, entering your message, and clicking ?Save Message?. Many cellular phone subscribers are unaware that their cellular phone has an e-mail address. Most likely, if your phone is capable of receiving text messages, it has an e-mail address. Why bother with configuring your software to use SMS messaging centers when you can simply send e-mails to your cellular phone? Cell Mate is built around one principle ? ?Make it as easy as possible?."


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Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP




30-day trial



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See Also

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