CamUniversal is the ultimate solution for all of your video demands. It supports Webcams, NetCams (IP-Cams), and all video devices that are working with an actual driver for Windows. Additionally it includes a network server client functionality to send the video from all cameras from one server PC to all connected client PCs. For professional and privat surveillance purposes there is a built-in motion detector which has numerous functions. You could select which areas of the video are tested for motion, in which time range, on which days, in which intervals etc. If a motion was detected, there are several actions which could be activated (e-mail sending, FTP upload, video record, program execution, picture capture, sound playing, protocol generation, video window fullscreen, video window as topmost). Additional there is a scheduler working for all further video demands. The scheduler works in all selectable time ranges and intervals, with so many functions, for all demands.
Version 1.5 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.