Convert Word to PDF (word2pdf), DOC to PDF (doc2pdf), html to PDF (html2pdf), text to PDF (txt2pdf), and RTF to PDF(rtf2pdf), and can watch source file folder and convert new uploading Word, RTF, text, or html documents to PDF files automatically. You can convert a lot of Word documents to PDF files saving your time! Key Features: batch converts Word to PDF, html to PDF, text to PDF, and RTF to PDF files quickly; watches source file folder and convert new uploading Word, RTF, text, or html documents to PDF files automatically. While your user uploads Word documents to your Web site, this folder watcher can automatically convert them into PDF format; preserves original document layout, including URL link, bookmark, images, and tables; can control the settings for Distiller and/or PDFMaker; supports command line arguments; can add the files in subfolders to convert; supports drag files and folders from your desktop; and can create run log files.
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Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat 5