CGIScripter enables web developers to instantly write Perl CGI Scripts for MySQL, Oracle, Access, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, and PostgreSQL database servers. Feature include: Dramatically improves developer productivity; Improve security of web applications; Save thousands in infrastructure costs; No ODBC driver licensing required for UNIX web servers; Leverage open source software including Apache, Perl, DBI; Quickly prototype web applications; Multiple platform support; Process images via the web with ease; Utilizes web security best practices for Perl CGI programming; Automated form data validation; Auto-Enter web form values; No syntax errors; Economical site license. Perl CGI scripts are generated for each form specified within CGIScripter and include customized data entry and data validation for each web form. The Perl CGI scripts generated by CGIScripter automatically provide support for insert/update/view/delete of GIF/JPEG images.