CADMAX Solid Master is the first low-cost 2D/3D CAD product that includes feature-based solid modeling using Parasolid, the identical modeling engine used in Solidworks, Solidedge, and Unigraphics. CADMAX includes more functionality. Using a single integrated user-interface, you get feature-based solid modeling, Boolean solid modeling, free-form surface modeling, and 2D drafting. This enables you to choose the best design method for each project, rather than being forced to use the only method supported by your current CAD product. CADMAX includes, context sensitive help, tutorials, and movies, so you'll be up and running quickly. Plus, it supports AutoCAD DWG and DXF, Parasolid, and STL import/export. There's even an optional IGES facility that will actually sew IGES surface models into solids. CADMAX uses an exclusive two-level menu structure that ensures you never get lost inside the program. You can easily customize the look and feel of your menus and icons.
Note: This is a very large (33.9MB) file and may take several hours to download via dial-up modem.