Powerful multimedia batch converter supporting conversion among over 80 image, audio, animation, and video formats quickly and easily. Blaze MediaConvert is able to batch convert among nearly all formats conceivable. CD to WAV/MP3/WMA/OGG, WAV to MP3, MP3 to WAV, WAV/MP3 to WMA, WMA to WAV/MP3, OGG to WAV/MP3, WAV/MP3 to OGG, WAV/MP3 to CD, and WAV/MP3 Compression are all supported. It can also perform two-way video conversions among MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVI, WMV, Animated GIF, Multi-Page TIFF, and FLIC. The Video/Animation Constructor combines images to create a new video or animation. The Video/Animation Decompiler saves frames within the source file as single images. Advanced CD Recording can burn MP3 and WAV files to CDR and CDR/W. Features include fast multi-threaded design; advanced buffering for superior performance; disk caching for the best quality results possible?
Version 2.6 features unspecified improvements and bug fixes.