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BlackICE PC Protection 3.5

BlackICE PC Protection delivers bulletproof intrusion detection and personal firewall protection to your PC. It scans your DSL, cable, or dial-up Internet connection looking for hacker activity, much like antivirus programs scan your hard disk looking for viruses. BlackICE will not slow down your PC or your Internet experience.

BlackICE PC Protection protects you in ways the other personal firewalls or antivirus software don't: it detects the attack, identifies and blocks the malicious activity before it can reach your computer, and identifies the attacker and type of attack by name; it fully inspects the contents of each packet, looking for hidden hostile code that personal firewalls cannot detect; it protects you from attack, even from someone you trust, through its dynamic IP address and port blocking.

BlackICE PC Protection is also easy to install, requires no knowledge of networking or the Internet, and begins to protect your system right out of the box.

This update features more than 40 new detection signatures, improved protocol tunneling, enhanced event reporting, expanded configurability, support for Windows XP, and the ability to print from the Events and Intruders tabs.

Note: The Download Now button will take you to the ISS Web site where you must agree to an end user agreement before downloading the software. No personal information will be requested.


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Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP





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See Also

Folder Lock 4.375

Lock, hide, and password-protect personal files, folders, and pictures from other users of your PC.

Primedius Firewall Lite 1.62

Prevent intrusions into your PC by hackers, spyware, and adware.

Real Spy Monitor 2.07

Monitor all keystrokes, programs used, and Web sites visited on a PC.



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