Avermagic Pro Plus e9 offers some amazing functionality, most notably a resolution independent, real-time vector-based approach to bitmap creation, which leaves market leader editor looking comparatively outdated, underpowered and overpriced.
The difference is immediately apparent when you create your first image. As an example if one opens a canvas of 6,144 x 4,088 pixels, which in traditional bitmap environment would involve handling 72MB of RGB pixel information -- a step guaranteed to bring average systems to their knees. This is absolutely nothing to Avermagic. Each vector-based object is the proxy of the original image: meaning instead of working on a 72MB of image file one is working on just 1MB or 2MB approx. of image. For those professional PhotoShop users currently using big systems or moving to dual-processor NT systems with hundreds of megabytes of RAM, here's an alternative that can run happily on an average Pentium.