Avast Virus Cleaner is a free tool that completely removes selected viruses and worms from your computer. It stops viruses that are active in memory, disinfects your files, removes virus registry and start-up items, and even deletes the virus-working files.
Version 1.0.176 can handle virus families: - Badtrans - Beagle (aka Bagle) (A-K) - Blaster (A-H) - BugBear (A-B) - Ganda - Klez/Elkern, all variants - MiMail, (A, C, E, I-N, Q, S-U) - Mydoom (A,B,D,F including the Trojan horse) - Nachi/Welchia (A-C) - Netsky (A-F) - Nimda - Opas (aka Opasoft, Opaserv) - Scold - Sircam - Sober - Sobig (B-F) - Swen, incl. UPX variant - Yaha (aka Lentin) all variants.