Alnini.comUtilities » System Utilities » AutoHotkey

AutoHotkey 1.0.06

Customize your keyboard and mouse with a free scripting language that is backwards-compatible with AutoIt 2. It includes a quick-start tutorial, an automatic script writer (macro recorder) that records your keystrokes and mouse clicks, and a comprehensive help file. It can remap keys and make virtually any key, joystick button, mouse button, or combination into a hot key (shortcut key). Other features include the ability to retrieve or change the volume, mute functionality, and other settings of any soundcard; to send keystrokes and mouse clicks to any window (without even needing to activate it); to launch programs and documents; to activate, hide, close, or resize any window; to automate game actions by detecting pixel colors; to retrieve and change the clipboard's contents; to operate on a collection of files and folders that match a wildcard pattern; to read, write, and parse text files; to access the registry; to display dialog boxes to interact with the user; and to convert any script into an EXE file that can be run on any computer.


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Window 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server





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See Also

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ShadowUser Pro 2.00.23

Create a virtual copy of your system for private and safe Web surfing.



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