Alnini.comWeb Development » Web Design Utilities » AutoGraphicsHTML

AutoGraphicsHTML 5.8

From the developer: "AutoGraphicsHTML is a software for making digital photo album with great holiday templates. Anyone can create great e-album without any special knowledge. The program is extremely easy to use and does not require any additional software. You can use images of any format! With so many templates to choose from, you are guaranteed to find best fitting theme for effective presentation. The software is great for both home and professional use. The program features straightforward and easy-to-use interface. This software utilizes 'wizard' approach, thus making the process of creating e-album or online photo gallery simple and understandable for everybody; you don't have to be a webmaster and know HTML to create online album that will be a subject of envy. With AutoGraphicsHTML you can add personal touch to your e-album. You can sign photographs or leave comments for others to read. You can choose special templates for special occasions. You can arrange your photographs any way you want. In short, you are limited only by your imagination. And since the program supports over 50+ image file types, you are able to place images of any format in your online album or gallery. AutoGraphicsHTML is one software that every family should have. Frequently no one in the family is in possession of all photographs. Some may belong to you, others to your parents or siblings. Photographs bear strong sentimental value; parting with them is often impossible. But if you scan the photographs belonging to your relatives, you can then upload the digital copies and thus have complete family album on the Internet available to all of your relatives and friends. And you can add new photographs later."


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Free to try




Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP




Watermark on image



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See Also

Browser Spy 1.0

Enhance Internet Explorer with a set of tools tuned for a Web developer.

93 Photo Street 1.0

Create map-based Web galleries.

HTML Password Lock 2.64

Protect the access to your Web pages with a password.



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