AutoAT is an automatic trading application for Ameritrade and Freetrade. Main features: GUI, works with Ameritrade or Freetrade accounts; can receive orders from e-mail alerts, load from files or through a COM API; it supports both Wealth-Lab e-mail alerts and files formats; the user has control over order transformations, buying limits, sending orders and receiving e-mails enabled/disabled status etc; shows account information (account value, cash) which is updated periodically; asynchronous operation: loading trades and receiving alerts from any number of sources and sending orders, each run in separate threads, which ensures smooth UI operation and timely delivery of orders; all activity is saved in a log file; can be configured to work with multiple Ameritrade accounts; multiple instances connected to multiple accounts can run simultaneously; all types of Ameritrade orders: market, limit, stop market and limit and trailing stop (points and percent).