Utilities » Antivirus » Ashampoo Mail Virus Blocker

Ashampoo Mail Virus Blocker 1.0

Do the names Melissa, I Love You, Love Bug or Anna Kournikova ring any bells? They're all viruses--malicious programs that can and do damage data and computer configurations--and they have all infected the machines of millions of users over the last couple of years. There are literally thousands more, and they are causing expensive damage on computers all over the world, every day. What all these viruses have in common is that they are spread as e-mail attachments, which are files sent with e-mail messages, usually identified by a paper clip symbol or something similar. Just receiving an attachment isn't dangerous, but if you execute it, it can basically do anything it wants. This program gives you effective protection by identifying and blocking potentially dangerous attachments before they are received by your e-mail program. Depending on the settings you choose, Ashampoo Mail Virus Blocker will either delete the mail containing the attachment or it will rename the attachments. Renaming attachments makes them harmless, because it is then no longer possible to execute them by clicking on them.



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Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP





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See Also

Antiy Ghostbusters Standard Edition 4.47

Clean out spyware, Trojan horses, and worms.

Smartfix Security Center 3.6

Eliminate bugs and problems that slow your computers performance.

Trojan Guarder Golden Version 5.12

Kill unknown Trojans and viruses without updating.


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