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AntiSpamWare 2.0, the new tool from the Webmastertools family, has hit the news - in the positive sense. AntiSpamWare, the software for identifying and eliminating unwanted advertising mails, recently found itself the star of the show on WDR, a German regional television station. The new program with its unique capabilities was featured in "angeklickt", the computer news section of "Aktuelle Stunde", a regular evening news show. J?rg Schieb, the presenter of "angeklickt", stated: "I don't know of any other program at present that is more effective, or more easy to use, in getting rid of spam mail. But AntiSpamWare is not just a filter like many others that are able to eliminate junk mails more or less automatically; it can do a lot of other things as well." Following the show, the software was downloaded by over 45,000 viewers. No other program is so fast, easy and efficient at separating the good news from the bad. In Version 2.0, AntiSpamWare is the only tool worldwide that can now clear unwanted mails not just from POP3 mailboxes but also from AOL? mailboxes. For people and businesses with their own websites, but also for all other users as well, viewing incoming emails can be an arduous and time consuming business, as the interesting contacts are often buried in a flood of automatically generated spam. AntiSpamWare is able to recognize and delete unwanted mail; in addition, however, it also offers a whole range of interesting capabilities to stop it being sent in the first place. For instance, it allows complaint mails to be dispatched to the senders of junk mail and their Internet providers, so helping to stem the flood of advertising mails over time.


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Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP




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See Also

SpamWasher 1.2.1050

Block spam and junk e-mail from entering your inbox.

SpamFighter Exchange Server Module 1.20.3006

Protect your corporate Microsoft Exchange server from spam messages.

Chrysanth Mail Manager 2.0

Identify and filter spam on your mail server without having to download.



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