ActMon is the all-round Computer and Internet monitoring software, which can be useful at both home and organizational levels. It is an effective monitoring utility, which can locate your problem area without being located itself. It tracks all the computer activities and applications, including keyboard strokes, passwords, incoming and outgoing chat conversations, emails, and visited websites. Features, which make it unique, are its powerful keyboard logger - so powerful, it even logs the keystrokes entered during Windows 2000/XP login. ActMon has a 'kernel-level' file protection: Files are not just hidden! They are completely inaccessible to unauthorized users. Files cannot be removed or manipulated by an unauthorized user or so called 'spyware cleaner' applications. Administrators can remote deploy ActMon over their network. The user interface is comprehensive and user-friendly. It has a wizard-driven installation making it extremely easy to set up and use.