Alnini.comWeb Development » ASP » ASPFast

ASPFast 1.5

ASPFast is a small, fast DLL (COM object) that allows ASP beginners and experts to create beautiful HTML tables and forms from a simple database query with as little as a single line of code. Any database that supports an ADO connection string will work. Tables and forms can be completely customized with the use of custom properties and standard Cascading Style Sheets. ASPFast Tables are created by passing a simple SQL select statement. Long recordsets can optionally be paged (displayed a few rows at a time). ASPFast optionally displays First, Last, Next, and Previous buttons along with re-entry code that will not disturb any of your exiting ASP code. ASPFast Forms allow editing and adding records to any ADO connectable database. Each field is automatically created with the appropriate control, label, and maximum length set. It can be customized with default values, custom label captions, drop-downs populated from foreign keys, and many other options. ASPFast also offers a variety of other timesaving functions.

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See Also

CuteChat 1.0

Provide your Web project with online chat functionality.

Forms To Go 2.5.2

Create form-to-e-mail scripts in PHP, ASP, or Perl for your HTML forms.

dbQwikSite Pro 3.0

Select and generate Web pages without coding.



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